Tuesday, July 01, 2003 Friday - Watched two hours of TV and decided to clen Hope's room up a bit. Learned Kay was going on a weekend date and realized more people would be coming over - but surprisingly few showed up. Monday I think we picked up Jess and we get along just fine. Jess went out with Bender at 10ish-pm and came home at 7am. Still smirking over that, really.Saturday - Cleaned house and ran a few more errands. Sunday - Ugh. Sunday Bloody Sunday...Well, not my blood or any of my friends' blood. Hope, Spots, and Myself were going up to NKC to take NekoJess home. It was raining fairly hard, but I didn't think anything of it. I hadn't really wanted to go; but I went anyway to keep Jess company in the back seat. Halfway there...okay. You know the statistics? How many wreks are caused but people not paying attention - on their cell, changing the radio, just not watching? You can get into a wreck if you have the radio off, cell phone put away and pretty much quiet in the car. Hope was driving. Spots was in the front passengers' seat. Jess was behind her and I was behind Hope. All of us had on the seat belts and we were quiet because Spots had just gotten off the cell with her parents. Then a blue car pulls out in front of a red car and smacks into him, setting the red car into a spin. Hope tried to dodge, but the red car was across both lanes and the only place to go was into the median. Which was where the red car was heading or into a fence where the blue car looked like it was headed. We smacked into the red car. When we got stopped I took inventory of myself to make sure I was okay and was reaching for the door handle when I smelled smoke and moved faster. The only one who was really hurt was the gent in the red car. He smacked his head against the rearview mirror apparently and the windshield for sure. Spots called her insurace company, 911 and her parents. Not in that order - I think 911 was first. There were a lot of people who stopped to help - one retired policeman; a nurse and her lifeguard daughter and assorted civilians. Jess...was panicking, but we got her calmed some. Spots had a blanket in the back of her car and wrapped it around her and we all took turns coddling and holding her. Hope was shaking - but I don't blame her one bit. Spots was having a couple problems, but they weren't bad. I was cold because all I had on was jeans and a tee with my sneaks so i was shivering, but I found things to do - check on my friends, hanve a small panic attack and give my info to the EMT, the cop and the like. Jess' mom came and got us and brought us all back to Hope's and after a few minutes' arguing allowed Jess to stay one more night. I called Mom and told her what happened and she was pretty calm about it. ^^ Talked with Rick and he gave good advice. I had a reason to sit in a warm bath for an hour. Eventually we all went to sleep. Monday - I woke up sore and stiff. Inventory - Bruised collarbones. Scrapped and bruised left shoulder. Bruises along my lap and abdomen from the lap belt. Minor whiplash. Ow. Hope's back was jarred some and her nose was sore. {Airbags are not soft.} Jess had a scrape from where her foot tried to hide under Spots' seat and a bruise pon her shin. Spots' upper legs and knees were bruised. {Tip - Don't try to curl when you get in a wreck.} I'm pretty sure we all thought we were the worst off - my vote is for Hope though. When I woke up my shoulders were so stiff and I could barely raise my arms to shoulder level. So I took another hot bath, rested and went to help Jessie {Boy-Jessie, Jess' mom had come to pick her up by this time} in the back and helped spread mulch. So I did some weight lifting, streching, bending - all lots of fun ^^V Tuesday - Woke up with a minor twinge in the left arm and less pain than I had expected. Ran errands for the party - hose connectors, swimsuit, nails etc. We start putting up forts for the water fight today. Whee! Well, going to go find the hammer. Enjoy. Ps. We're All ALL RIGHT. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 4:26 PM |
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