Thursday, February 19, 2004 *blink* My tails still have scents....:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 6:54 PM Things Temas do - Pack. Play on computers Paint little cardboard boxes that used to be AOL containers in Ravenclaw colors. {^^ If I get three more I'll do all the houses!} Pack Read Miss Manners for entertainment value Come up with strange bunnies {Tom's a Nagah! *wonders if Hope will get that one...*} Chase HER cat. Arrange her tails Pack Decide that saftey pins won't work on her tails anymore. Finds a scratch awl. Pack Wander Find semi-broken belt Get an idea Settle down to use the scratch awl in her tails and cut a section of the 'rope' from her belt to make a new tailbelt! {Looks better than the bathchain and saftey pins, anyway. ^^;;} Pack Remember to eat {Actually, just bake some fries and remind herself to fix a sammich later Go back to packing .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 6:49 PM
.:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 12:51 AM Sunday, February 15, 2004 *tapdances in* whoops. Forgot some stuff I was going to put up for friday and saturday. ^^;;Here - a bit late {From Alchemy Gothic} 13 Feb '04 - Parentalia (Roman) An ancient, nine-day homage to dead parents, being the first of three related festivals in February for appeasing the dead. Temples were closed, marriages forbidden and private, respectful feasts were held at the family tombs until Feralia on 21st. Anthesterion Nourmenia (Greek) Two-day festival honouring all of the Gods and Goddess's 14 Fev '04 - St. Valentines Day On this day Valentine was beheaded after secretly performed marriages for Roman soldiers, forbidden by Emperor Claudius. He left a note, ‘Your Valentine’, and a yellow crocus to his love, Claudius’ daughter, before his execution. A yellow crocus should be worn to ensure luck in true love. Introduced by the medieval church as the fest of love, to replace the prevalent, exotic festival of Lupercalia. Traditionally, women wrote their names on slips of paper, (valentines), and posted them into a pot from which the men randomly selected their lovers. The Duke of Orleans writes the first true valentine, to his wife while imprisoned in the Tower of London after the Battle of Agincourt. (Old) St. Tryphon’s Day (Orthodox) Vineyards and fields are sprinkled with holy water and blessed by the priest, to prevent pests. (Old) Feast of Júno Februa (Roman) Goddess of the passion of love, the month of February was named after her. Decorate your pillow with 5 bay leaves and you will see your love in your dreams. Valisblot (Norse/Teutonic) The festival to Vali, Odin's youngest son, and the birthday of Svenfjotli, son of Sigimund. 16 Feb '04 Sexagesima The second Sunday before Lent. Lupercalia (Roman) Ancient spring festival of love and fertility, celebrated, especially by naked youths, as a riotous and bestial, licentious, drunken revel, in honour of Lupercus, or Faunus the horned and goat-legged fertility god; from Lupus, the mythological suckling she-wolf mother of Romulus & Remus, founders of Rome. Meat Fare or Carnival Sunday (Orthodox) Carnival, from the Latin ‘carnis levamen’ meaning the cessation of meat eating, the Orthodox pre-Lent fasting feast. Siegfried's Day (Teutonic) ‘Nibelungs’ leader, hero and holder of the great dwarven treasure who was slain by Brumhild. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 8:50 PM |
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