Saturday, April 17, 2004 Those allergic to 'Christian' stuff - ff to the near bottom. Less of it there.Because I'm a bit bored - "Easter" apparently lasts for a week or maybe a touch longer. There's something they didn't tell me in Sunday School. Easter Period Holy Week and Easter Week: Easter is the celebration of Christ's resurrection, held on the Sunday after the first full moon following the Vernal or Spring Equinox. The resurrection took place on Sunday, which from then on became the 'Lord's Day'. - Clipping the Church Over the Easter period on various days, parishioners hold hands and encircle their churches in dancing 4 April '04 - Holy Week begins The week before Easter Week, when passion plays to re-enact the last days of Christ were performed. - Palm Sunday Commemorating Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a colt, when he 'cleansed the temple' of the traders and financiers, causing his eventual arrest. Palms were spread in the path of the Messiah by the people. 6 April '04 - Pesach or Passover (Hebrew) Eight-day observance of The Exodus, the deliverance of Moses' Israelites from Egyptian slavery, when God sent en Plagues including the Angel of Death, who 'passed over' the Jewish houses when slaying Egypt's first-born children. During their escape the Red Sea parted, then drowned the pursuing Egyptian army and enabled the Jews to reach Mount Sinai and receive the Torah. 7 April '04 - Spy Wednesday The day of the Last Supper and of Jesus' betrayal by Judas. - Tenebrea The evening service beginning the last three days of Holy Week; meaning 'darkness'. After the ritual extinction of candle lights, the service in the Sistine Chapel culminated with a dramatic flagellation. - Hellfire Lashing In 1728, Sir Frances Dashwood interrupts Tenebrea by interrupting the service and lashing the congregation with bullwhip. 8 April '04 - Maundy Thursday Commemorating Christ's Last Supper and His washing of the disciples' feet on that day. The reigning royal sovereign would wash the feet of poor subjects and distribute silver pennies, ('Maundy money'), or gifts. 9 April '04 - Good Friday The anniversary of the crucifixion of Christ on Calvary Hill on a cross made of elder. Effigies of Jesus' traitor, Judas are publicly paraded an abused. Hot-cross buns are eaten for breakfast in England, originally being an ancient pagan tradition representing the moon and its four quarters. On Good Friday, soapy water turns to blood and if clothes are washed, a family member could die. - Holy Friday (Orthodox) Commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus, the Eastern equivalent of Good Friday, on the Friday of the Holy Week before Pascha. A gold embroidered representation of the body of Christ is carried in procession while members of the congregation sing hymns and carry lighted candles, stopping frequently for a priest's prayers. 10 April '04 - Holy Saturday or Easter Eve The Day that Jesus lay in his tomb. The third host to be consecrated on Maundy Thursday is 'buried'; wrapped in cloth and placed in a sepulchre on the alter or hole in the wall, and a vigil kept all night. 11 April '04 - Easter Sunday; Easter Day: Lord's Day The greatest day in the Christian calendar, commemorating the resurrection of Christ. Easter is a corruption of Oester, the name of the Saxon goddess of spring and rejuvenation, and Easter celebrates the 'rebirth' of Christ. Easter Day is determined as the Sunday following the full moon after the Vernal Equinox, (fixed as 21st March). Decorating and giving hard-boiled eggs, (forbidden over Lent), represented the promise of new life. You must wear a new garment (such as a bonnet) to avoid bad fortune in the coming year. 12 April '04 - Easter Monday; Black Monday Regarded as unlucky; many great losses of life occurred in military campaigns today. It is permitted to pull any man out of his bed and to lift women by the arms or legs on Easter Monday. 13 April '04 - Easter Tuesday Tomfoolery continues and it is the women's turn to lift the men. - Last day of Pesach; Passover (Hebrew) 18 April '04 - Low Sunday or Thomas Sunday The Sunday after Easter, also known as Quasimodo Day from the mispronounced words of the Mass. Those baptized at Easter take off their white robes. The Pope, on his first and every seventh year, distributes wax Agnus Dei, Lamb of God effigies. 19 April '04 - Hocktide The day following Low Sunday, when spring tithes and payments were due, and money was collected for the church and parish. Hocktide was time of lively sports and games and special Hock-Ale was brewed for the revelry. - Hock Monday Men of the parish would 'kidnap' and bind the women for ransom, payments going to the church. 20 April '04 - Hock Tuesday The women reverse roles for 'revenge' on the men. Diverse local festivities continue throughout the country in bizarre celebration. 20 May '04 - Ascension Day; Holy Thursday The day of Christ's Ascension to heaven on Mount Olivet in Bethany and His last appearance to the Apostles after His resurrection. Villagers 'Beat the bounds', confirming the boundaries of the parish and Morris Men dressed in white perform their dances across the country. also my birthday. Also of note - 5 April '04 Cain's Birthday (Hebrew) According to Jewish folklore, on the first Monday in April, Cain, son of Eve and the serpent, was born and years later also killed his brother Able. It is therefore considered a very unlucky day. 10April '04 Liber Angelicae On this day in 1586 in Prague, John Dee, astrologer to Elizabeth 1st, cabalist and alchemist, and his scryer assistant Edward Kelly, were made by the angels to burn their priceless and irreplaceable hermetic books. and Journey of the Divine Comedy Dante fixes the date of his journey through Hell, Purgatory and Paradise as Easter time in 1300. 11 April '04 Tergoviste Massacre On Easter Sunday in 1459, the young Vlad Tepes, The Impaler, held a feast for the Wallachian princes, the Boyars at Tergoviste. These he held responsible for his father's death and so in revenge he arrested them en mass and had them impaled. 15 April '04 Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519; birthday of Leonardo, outstanding Italian Renaissance visionary of intellectual and artistic genius. Working for patrons, (including the duke of Milan and the notorious Cesare Borgia), he applied his talents and energy to architecture and cartography, creative engineering, painting and the sciences. His original 19 notebooks with meticulously detailed drawings reveal a vast understanding of scientific secrets, never properly appreciated in his day. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 10:40 PM Seven is sometimes considered as a mystical and magical number because of the biblical seven days of creation, and the seven heavenly bodies of ancient astronomy (i.e. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter; they hadn't seen the others yet). You are understanding, perceptive and bright, and enjoy hard work and challenges. You are often serious, scholarly, and interested in all things mysterious. Originality and imagination are more important to you than money and material possessions. However, you can also be pessimistic, sarcastic, and insecure. Please rate my quiz. What does your name and arithmacy say about you? (some simple knowledge of adding is required on your part) brought to you by Quizilla .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 10:01 PM Monday, April 12, 2004 Lots of work today. Whee! I think.Strange link - from MSN Top 10 Celebrity Meltdowns .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 11:11 PM |
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