Friday, November 14, 2003 In my state last night I forgot that I was going to blog what I wrote in Taco Bell about Alice.Alice is a beautiful woman - she's prolly in her early forties or so, I'm not sure - who works at one of the local Wal-Mart Supercenters here. She's always finding wonderful clothes to make things 'fun' or everyone else. she's the one with the big green hat I blogged about before. Anyway - yestrday's 'journal' - Her name is Alice. Toay she wore ad vivid purple 'beret' with a wide brim trimmed with mariboo, an almost psychadelic green and brown peasant-type shirt, black slacks and the usual blue Wal-Mart issue vest. Bright pink lipstick and purple eyeshadow. And made it work. She's shorter than I am - I have to bend over to hug her properly - she's somewhere about Five feet plus a little. She smells very nice and hugs like a pro. Today she kissed me oin the cheek and left a faint lipmark and told me she loves me. Warm Fuzzies. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 1:09 AM Thursday, November 13, 2003 Sorry about the randomness, but I'm to lazy to edit right now. And there are going to be run ons and typos and the rest. You'll have to deal.I almost always dream. I don't always remember all of them, but I can remember details of some or vague bits or directions to get somewhere. You see - in my head when I sleep, there's a city. Or maybe I create it or maybe I just go there. The first dream I ever remember it being in, or me being in it - was back in high school. Not all that far away I know, but still. It was a long time when you think about it. I remember running through a street, looking for an apartment building. I had something I wanted to tell the people that lived there - even though I didn't know them or even where they were. I remember waking up so tired (my legs and lungs were actually hurting a bit) , but happy because I'd actually got to the apartment - A three story almost-light blue monstrosity that looked...like most other apartment buildings. Long and squat, really. They lived on the second floor and had a Christmas wreath on their door even though it was August or something - it was really warm and muggy. I knocked and a lady answered. She was kind of skinny and had obviously died blonde hair and a pretty smile. That's all I remember about her. Her hair and her smile. I don't remember what I told her. Probably just as well. I could tell you about the other places - one of the parks that reminds me of where I used to hang out back in elementary school but with the ginormous hedge. Or the entrance to the Underground where the emergency lights are actually grow lights. Or the Gas Station that I lived in for a couple years. Or the Tree Warehouse that opens only around Christmas - not Yule, friggin' December 25th. Or a hundred (or more) other places. Hells I might one of these days. Usually I don't feel at all weirded out by anything in the City. Except for the Bus. Seriously. The Bus freaks me out. You know the line 'You meet the most interesting people of public transit'? No lie. Even in your dreams you get freaks sometimes. To night I had a chat with Eli. Elijah or maybe Ezekiel. He was named for a Prophet that's all I really know. He was a cute kid - for the most part. In stories they write about people's eyes being old. Yeah - that's how it was only his eyes couldn't hold all of what he knew and it went into his face too. I was sitting next to this Goth (I think) guy and we had been talking. This mother - a girl like you see these days, trying to be stylish but to damned tired by trying to raise a kid when they're barely out of childhood themselves - sat next to me after shuffling up the Bus. The Goth looked at her and dismissed her, I gave her a smile then the kid told me something really freaky. No I'm not sharing. It's fading already, thanks after a nice shower and a bit. Prolly because I don't want to remember. So I looked out the window after thanking him and watched the scenery go by. I missed my stop, the huge hotel - I mean huge and rather like I like my buildings, sort of hodgepodge. I was thinking it over as we started going down this really steep hill in a huge friggin' Bus, barely scraping through the underpass of the highway. My tooth still hurts. No - I didn't tumble out of my seat and smack my face. Some asshole did that for me when I first got on the Bus. Tripped me, then the lad with the thirty five packages wouldn't move and I cracked part of my tooth right off. Didn't bleed though, that's okay. I should probably explain more about the Bus. The Bus is...really just a bus. A big car that takes people places for less than a taxi. This one doesn't seem to have a set schedule though. And it has a mind of it's own. There is no driver. There's a guy who takes your money if you give him some, but you don't have to. I usualy do, but it doesn't really help the Bus. Or maybe it does - I've never seen it truly malicious. When I got on there weren't that many people. Not a lot like to sit at the back, so the front was kind of crowded. That's when I tripped and broke my tooth - the canine, not the front. I waded through and sat down, watching out the window as we went through a residential area with nifty houses, settled into a small nap (I may not like the Bus, but I do trust it.) and had dream in a dream. When I woke up the Goth was standing over me and asked me to move, saying he got sick if he couldn't see out the window. I shrugged and moved over one and had a convo with him, when the kid and his mom showed. Then I went and got a haircut. Okay - it doesn't sound weird but it was really freaky. I just can't tell my stories, I suppose. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 9:48 PM Sunday, November 09, 2003 *focl* That's almost too much!.:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 7:29 PM *headshake* Honestly.... .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 7:27 PM Main link. Now..the first one makes me wonder; the second makes me snicker; The third makes me laugh and the last just makes me grin. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 7:26 PM Oh...MiG. I'm currrently speechless. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 7:20 PM |
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