Saturday, September 25, 2004 Uhm... I think I've heard some of these.How many times have ou wanted to do this? HYDROGEN! "Animal Control officers counted two dead rabbits, 17 chickens, seven goats, one duck and 13 pigeons..." "Court Awards $10,000 for Emotional Distress Inflicted by IRS" .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 10:45 PM Imagine a boy poised on the brink of adulthood... .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 10:25 PM Oh, thank Heaven. Now all they have to do is learn. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 10:21 PM "And this is my family's plot." "Looks like the...ocean?" .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 10:03 PM Sunday, September 19, 2004 [Listening to: Designed to Sell][Eating: Manwich and steakfries] [Times I almost got fired: 2] Well. I've been back from the Faire for a week; and just got to doing the laundry yesterday. But on the plus side, my new robe doesn't have the musty smell anymore. It was so much fun and I spent so much money... But not too much. ^^V I came home with money! But I left a sheite-load of stuff up North. *facevault* Including my wallet. SO I've been usung my belt pouch. Good training for the eventual cell phone. alright - that was the calm bit. Monday - The regional boss was being so pushy I was about to give up and go home at noon. @@ "We'll never get it done! Never!" The owner's wife was panicing because she though that it was Shopper day. {That's tuesday, btw} Tuesday - I hate Shopper half-folds! They're heavy and they don't stack well. Also - I hate b-sections on huge insert bundles. At least I had some help loading and unloading. Wednesday - Off! Yes! Thursday - Got in at the usual time. No inserts except Sears. Shrugged and started cleaning plates. Ran out of plates, still no inserts - checked run sheet - dragged out the American Profiles. Looked around - started sweeping. Heard boss complaining about me coming in early. Blinked and shrugged. Porters come in about the same time as more plates and pressman. Got 'b' section printed. inserted same. Started plates for 'a' after bosses got back from lunch - hour and thirty minutes. @@ Bosses bitched both inserters about 'leaving inserts lying around for hours'. {He really needs something to relax. Nice guy but way too hyper.} Y';know - it doesn't matter to me who you are. If you're fucking up somethign as important the day's paper... I'm going to tell you. And I'm, going to tell you how to fick your fuckups. Even if you're the owner of the company. Or retired. @@ Anyway, I have about half the papers prepped to go to the post office. 'Daddy' {semi-'affectionate' name for the owner...} decides he's going to get out ASAP. The next jopb isn't ready to be printed - the last plate is still being waited on, the air stillneeds to bleed out... and he dicides he's going to pull his SUV into the buildign. If it was snowing or raining, I could see it - but it was a nice day- maybe a little warm, but still nice. 'Daddy' - after rearranging hte room, kicking over a stack of inserts and damn near running me and Pug's grandson over. @@ - starts pouting after his wife asks him what he' doing. I relay a message from his son - "It's gonna be an hour and fifteen minutes before we're done prining." And he starts yelling at me! He should take up smoking or mastubation. Something to relax him. He takes off and surprise - we get all of it done with out him - and on time and he's still able to take them to wherever. ^^ Friday - Fopund out how close I came to getting fired on the sopt - grinned and sauid that the video store up the way was hiring. Got a lecture about hos 'Daddy' doens't like to be told what to do - shrugged and said he was messing up and that it was going to get several calls from the post office if we didn't correct him. Got told he 'doesnt' like being told what to do and you should be careful'. Rationalized that I was simply relaying as message. Turns out that the second son gets away with more than the wife. Hm... *shrug* Saturday - had a crick in my back so stayed home. Ended up going to the beauty shop Rick's mom owns. Replaced chairs. @@ Sunday - went to springpatch, bummed around, picked up a writing desk and came back. Whee! Cooked. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 7:04 PM |
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