Friday, June 25, 2004 O.M.F.Gs! "Professor Xavier calling...".:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 4:09 PM Thursday, June 24, 2004 Warning! Violence and mentions of non-con sex. I'm no good at editing my own stuff. *huff*No mentions of suing! You'd only get a bunch of White Wolf books, 75 cents and a DVD of My Fair Lady. Not worth mentions of suing Also - using copyrighted character's in a situation that JKR might n not like. ... It's not my fault. Also I weirded myself out with this. This is not the way I usually write. *facepalm* Now that I've covered a bit of my ass.... - - - He watched. Simply watched. How could he just...sleep? The argument they'd had and the words... How could he _sleep_? Blue-grey eyes open and the lips curved upward. He moved, a hand lifting and cupping one of his cheeks. "Mm...morning lovely." The smile grew a bit. "Have you forgiven me?" He felt his eyes shutter - almost a physical motion. "Sometimes Draco; I don't ever feel like forgiving you." The other boy blinked. "I can't be any other way than what I am, love. This is all I know how to be." "Maybe you should learn something else." Harry snapped, moving off the bed. Draco followed, standing. Harry ignored the fact that he was nude. He'd seen it before. "Please, love - " "NO!" Harry snapped, turning widely, arm flashing out. HE smirked tightly as the pale Slytherin ended up sprawled on the bed, cluthing his face. That must sting. He watched Draco push himself up on an arm, eyes wide. He started to say something - Harry couldn't even stand to hear the smug bastard speak. He lashed out again, arc arcing high, landing on soft skin, feeling the flesh below give, connecting with something hard. The pain in his knuckles made him even more angry. He jumped onto the downed boy, straddling him and pinning him with his body, blows falling; something urging him to lkeep hitting until the pathetic cries stopped. "You piss me off so much!" A large hand clenched in the white hair. "I don't know how I stand you!" He jerked, some of the hair coming free ion his hand. That pissed him off further, back hand ing Draco with his free hand, a spray of blood appearing on the white pillow. "Think you're so fucking PERFECT." Harry spat, slamming his hand into Draco's gut just to hear him mewl. He could see the long throat working - the Slytherin trying not to throw up. "Though I will admit..." He slid a finger along a bruised cheek, tracing the purpling skin. "You are decent in bed. A good little whore." He nods with anbother smirk. " That's what you are." His hand slid down the clawed chest and heavily bruised stomach, sharp nails biting into hips, making the other young man shudder, trying to move away. That earned him an open-palmed smack upside the head, the motion stinging Harry's palm. "Don't you run away from me!" He glared, rolling the boy over bodily, smirking as he cries out. One hand fumbles with the pajama bottoms, shoving them down. Draco tied to buck, but Harry cupped the back of his head, pushing his face into the mattress, holding him there as he lines their hips, trying to push in to the other. He grits his teeth, pulling back and spitting into his hand, trying to face Draco's face back into the bed, ignoring his babbling. He slicks himself some, rising over the other boy, shoving in, shifting his weight to sink into the smaller, paler boy. He glares, hand clapping over Malfoy's mouth as the other screams. "Shut up! Shut UP!" He grunts, hips jerking back. He grits his teeth, hips swiveling to loosen the other - just to make it easier to move. Harry bites his lip, finding it easier a few strokes later, ignoring the thrashing below him. He tosses his head back, moaning as his hips move hard and fast. He grits his teeth again as Draco bucks. He bares his teeth. "Ah. Liked that did you?" He shifts slightly to his left, hips stroking. He smirks as the one below him chokes, moving again. He lifts a hand, slamming it into a shoulder, making the boy cry out. Soon he had him bleeding again and writhing below him, moaning as Harry strikes and cuts him again and again. "You like this." Harry grunts, shoulders rolling back. "You fucking - whore!" He gives his own cry as he climaxes, claws drawing down Draco's back, cutting him deeply. "Come on!" He gasps, striking again and a again. "Come on!" He laughs wildly as Draco chokes and shudders, a mewl escaping as the bloodied boy comes. He jerks out of the other, making him buck and gasp again. He regards the heap on the bed. Bloodied and shuddering - probably crying. He stands, planting a foot on the abused arse, shoving down, heel grinding. Then he was gone, half-dressed again, heading for the door. - - - Oh, Merlin. This is so not "me". But since Em asked.... .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 5:42 PM Tuesday, June 22, 2004 Our pressman - the guy we _need_ to put the paper out - put a wrench through his hand today. Yike! It was a pretty deep puncture - looked like two inches - did't bleed though.But he refused painkillers and came back to work! Brave, brave man. He directed people mostly, but he did a little bit on his own. One person - not me - found it uprouriously funny. @@ The previous pressman - who now refuses to do anything, long story - just laughed and laughed about it. Wonder how many people laughed when she caught her hand in the same press. Oy. My place of work is more a soap opera. Today's quote - "I can't make lonve in the room where I eat my oatmeal!" - Wood Allen; A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy {1982} .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 8:05 PM Sunday, June 20, 2004 Y'know - Smallville ain't to bad of a show. At least - first Season.:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 6:33 PM |
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