Saturday, April 03, 2004 *focl*Read all the way through! .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 1:09 AM Well, today {yesterday by now, yes....} was my first day at my brand new job! My feet really fucking hurt. I'll get over it soon, just means I'll have my cane with me on Sat and Sun. Well, got to Daddy's about 12ish - He fixed me up a bed! *dance* Thank you Daddy! I did some reading and sort of fell into that not-quite asleep, not-quite awake state, got some rest and woke up at 6:45 ish when the TV went off - nice alarm. Waking up to the Weather Channel. I like it. ^^ Got upright, Daddy made breakfast - so nice of him. Got dressed, puttered about and he took me to the Paper. A few minutes' nervousness and I started. Clocked in, talked to a supervisor {sort'a} and started to clean up. Then I sorted and put together inserts - you know, hte adverts that fall out when you pick the paper up? By hand. Whee....Standing. From 8 or so to I think I clocked put about 3:15 or so? It was okay. Lots of people in and out and stuff. Tolerable. Of course that was a Friday and that's a very slow day to hear tell... Got the paperwork finished and went out and spent quite a while walking the town of Aurora. Not a too bad a place. For A Town That Size (tm). Went to the farm, socialized with Ms Lorrane and Ms Jane. Came back to Springpatch and had a nice long, hot bath. Now I'm thinking of digging up some gauze to wrap my feet. ^^ There's painkillers on the desk. Well, off to surf for a little while. And pack and... *waves* .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 12:42 AM Thursday, April 01, 2004 Lying in BedThe distance from The top of my matress To the ceiling: About the same as The distance from The bottom of a grave To ground level. God, I hate Lying awake at night. - John Silveira .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 3:35 PM Tuesday, March 30, 2004 This is so... interesting and sad and strange and...gah! at the same time. Read, look, shiver.Link stolen from The Watchtower of Destruction: The Ferrett's Journal .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 8:21 PM Monday, March 29, 2004 BEDLAM BOYSFor to see Mad Tom of Bedlam Ten thousand miles I traveled Mad Maudlin goes on dirty toes For to save her shoes from gravel. Still I sing bonny boys, bonny mad boys Bedlam boys are bonny For they all go bare and they live by the air And they want no drink or money. I now repent that ever Poor Tom was so disdain-ed My wits are lost since him I crossed Which makes me thus go chained I went down to Satan's kitchen For to get me food one morning And there I got souls piping hot All on the spit a-turning There I took up a caldron Where boiled ten thousand harlots Though full of flame I drank the same To the health of all such varlets My staff has murdered giants My bag a long knife carries For to cut mince pies from children's thighs And feed them to the fairies The spirits white as lightening Would on me travels guide me The stars would shake and the moon would quake Whenever they espied me No gypsy, slut or doxy Shall win my mad Tom from me I'll weep all night, with stars I'll fight The fray shall well become me And when that I'll be murdering The Man in the Moon to the powder His staff I'll break, his dog I'll shake And there'll howl no demon louder So drink to Tom of Bedlam Go fill the seas in barrels I'll drink it all, well brewed with gall And maudlin drunk I'll quarrel For to see Mad Tom of Bedlam Ten thousand years I have traveled Mad Maudlin goes on dirty toes For to save her shoes from gravel I love taking advice. *grin* Daddy calls up this morning - while I'm looking for the notebook where I put his cell number (heh...) and says- "Say thank you Daddy." So I do...after a try of 'huh?' and it turns out - I've a job at the paper! *dances* He tells me to go out and enjoy the day, so after a bit I do. Wander Downtown for a little bit - get myself some Italian from the deli and sit by the door. I watch a couple come in and put up posters for local bands, watch a guy chase his hat across the intersection of Park Central South and St. Louis,a nd watch dark storm clouds roll in from the West. Oops. When I left at three, I needed sunglasses and had my hoodie tied around my waist. Put my glasses in the pocket when I went into the new clothing store DT - didn't buy anything. *snerk* not really my style. As if I have one... I get out of the deli and see little white balls falling from above - hail? No clue. Shiver and put on hte hoodie - from what felt like 57 down to what felt like 43. @@ In less than thirty minutes. I decide to head home and step out of a shoe crossing the street! No cars, thankfully. So I kick both sandals off (much better traction) and cross the street - yes, I was watching for anything gross. and the chorus to Beldam Boys. *points up* starts running through my mind. For to see Mad Tom of Bedlam Ten thousand years I have traveled Mad Maudlin goes on dirty toes For to save her shoes from gravel I get some looks, walking down South street, singing and carrying my shoes in the rain. I stop by the Baptist church and put them back on, wandering past the Day house and throught the park, still humming and watching peoiple run. I get to Madison, look over to my left - the West. Sunshine back behind the houses. A storm - pretty nice one, mind. Cold, rain, loud thunder, bright lightening...and it's over in 15 minutes. I love spring. Off to shower! .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 4:40 PM Sunday, March 28, 2004 Dan Quayle:... I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior, for whose Kingdom it stands, one Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe. From Wisdomquotes.com/ .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 9:37 PM Scooby Doo 2 is so much fun. ^^ Or at least I think so. It's fun trying to pick out the human actors playing who. And the little references scattered here and there. Yay! Lots of Shaggy time! He's so much fun. Random fact - did you know that CBS Executive Fred Silverman was listening to Frank Sinatra's "Strangers In The Night" (with the scatted lyric "Scooby-dooby-doo") on the flight to pitch "W-Who's S-S-Scared?", the orginal for Scooby Doo. So they changed a bit {because some bits were deemed too scary for the 70's kids...}: the dog {"Too Much"} was renamed Scooby-Doo (after that Sinatra lyric), the spooky aspects of the show were toned down slightly, and the comedy aspects tuned up. The show was re-presented, accepted, and presented as the centerpiece for CBS's 1969-1970 Saturday Morning season. Can't talk too much about it or I'll give it away. Darn my internal censor. Riiight. ~^ Just a fun little article. I like hte reader's response from "MatthewGarth" Another random fact - Casey Kasem {Shaggy} became a strict vegetarian, and wanted his character Shaggy to follow suit. Shaggy's veggie in the first live action movie. ^^ *fidget* Okay - enough for now. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 7:18 PM |
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