Saturday, August 09, 2003 Can you name me?I am the wanderer who never walks. I am Murder's Daughter, yet I am Thought and Memory in the eye of a god. Can you name me? I am one of three, and yet there are three in me. I uncover that which has been buried, yet no man's hand moves me. Can you name me? To pay my wereguild is to kill me me, but adorn me in silver and I laugh. I know the four winds and the four points of the compass, and all tell me their secrets. Can you name me? I have stolen the sun, an he thanked me for it. I have been bartered by the moon, and she abandoned me for the service I did her. Can you name me? Gaia made me to tell her stories, and yet when the dead speak I listen. They say I make murders, but they lie; I an the father of an unkindness instead. Can you name me? I feed with the eagle and the wolf, but I walk among men. Can you name me? For I can name you. - A riddle of the Corax. Author unknown. Bits I don't get, but other bits I do. Murder's Daugher is a reference to a group {all female} of Corax that are just a bunch of grumps looking for a fight and a reason to kill someone. They try to dedicate themselves to war and the Morrigan, but basically they're just a bunch of wanna-be Morrigan. Now the Morrigan {I am one of three, and yet there are three in me} are found in the Old Country and serve Raven's less pleasant aspect. There are only three members of the Morrigan {Bebd, Nemain and Morrigu, since they've started writing legends down} and from what I can tell it's pretty much just "luck" of the draw. Once they settle a name on the new Morrigan, all parts of the raven she was dies and all she lives for from then on is battle. Thought and Memory in the eyes of a god is a reference to Odin's {Y'know. Tall, beareded, one eye, spoke Swedish?} birds Huginn and Munin. Oh - and it's an "unkindness of ravens" and a "murder of crows" for those who want to know. Ravens, eagles and wolves feed on the battlefields. At one point in Europe, there were people that _wouldn't_ fight if there weren't any ravens around. That would have been an interesting way to prevent early skirmishes... In the White Wolf - World of Darkness RPG the wereravens were created to find and tell secrets to their kin, Kin and the Celestials. They go everywhere, listen to everything and try to learn all the secrets and their answers. Pretty nifty. ^^ Also - the Sun {not the Moon} is the the Celestene the 'ravens are dedicated to - he gave them their gifts, burned them black and watches over them at least occasionally. So instead of silver harming them {like most weres i.e. Werewolves} gold burns them. Strange. "Stolen the sun" is a reference to the myth that when Helios {the Sun , for thse who failed to pay attention} turned away from the world, the Ravens went to get him back. It's a pretty interesting story - maybe I'll type it out later. Well, I'm going back to surfing for a bit. :Wave: I'll prolly type more later. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 5:25 PM Hmm...my thoughts for tonite - Went to a Rodeo in Boliver; they're fun, in small doses. The people are interesting and man - some of those riders are v. cute. Course there's only so many times you can watch a guy being thrown off a bull. Though, the one who held on for ten seconds - sideways - has my respect. The bulls have weird names too - Kid Rock, Barfly, Spotted Fever, Chiropractor New Car, Satan's Puppy. All right - those last two are fake, but they could be real names. There are really bad jokes told by the Funny Man - "It's a demon-posessed chicken." "...How can you tell?" "Lays deviled eggs." The cowrides were hilarious. There were two teams of guys - three each - who had to catch, saddle and ride a cow. Not a bull. Just a cow. Neither team won. The cows put up a big fight - Way to go ladies! - and at one point, after both were saddled - they just laid down and would not move. The guys were slapping them, pushing, kicking - the cows just refused to move. It was great. And so funny - one of those "Had to have been there" things, I suppose. Then I got bored. I had the Corax breed book and it's a wonderful read. Wereravens rock. I was reading and went back to the car for a while. Apparently I missed some guy getting his collarbone broken {Ouch}. Big loss. On the way home - Mom askked me if I were actually afraid of anything. I'm not sure how to answer that question, really. Course there are a lot of things I'll _react_ to - I jump at loud noises, get the shakes at close misses and be wary of leaning to far over something...but I don't know if I'm afraid. I'm cautious ad don't take many real risks, but still. Dunno. Maybe I'll figure it out. Look - Hope changed my Blog! Total makeover! Seems like a quarterly thing for her. A sort of "Eh, I'm tired of looking at this; Let's change it." Meh. Going away now. *wave* Enjoy! PS - Weasley for MoM! .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 12:18 AM Friday, August 08, 2003 Oh. My God....:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 4:08 PM Sunday, August 03, 2003 What Marauder are you? Created by .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 2:00 AM |
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