Thursday, February 12, 2004 Things that are fun to mixCats Clear Tape bubblewrap lazer pointer No - I did not wrap the cat in poppypaper. I'm not that rude. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 11:49 PM Digging out the inbox...Again. Laura Holder - celebrity pick hung {*cough*} Wesley Donovan - aerate innermost {*snicker*} Fidel Langford - bimonthly Rosemarie Mcclure - brandy inherent reversion Sara Cornelius - presupposition Olin Hunter - enterprise dandy Clair Bowling - Re: dodd Maryanne Couch - momentum corvus Nichole Rose buttonhole eyelet Marcus Maddox - jiggle bulb {Just makes me giggle. ^^} Raymond Gregg - retrogress {I like this one. The progress going into retrograde?} ViaVoice - Voice recognition software for [[emailusr]] {These guys were just rude. Not even my name!} - [none] 605b {this one had no subject, no name and no content *shrug* The inner spam?} Earlene Rock - Womens survey says ENLARGE! (as seen on tv) zpyFQIIA {And how many have seen _that_ informercial?} Waldo Carey - quit carrion {But beef tastes sooo gooood....} Tamara Means - do you think it's possible {For me to click the spam? Possible, yes. Likely, no.} chiemi@ uniteddigital.com - Hummmmmmmmm {Trying for thoughtful - only getting here to my blog.} Thi - Fountain of youth {Only 21, thanks! Not old. And who would want to be immortal anyway?} Alice - It works and it is guaranteed {Whoopee!} Aurore - Think summer 2004 {Hot...If the winter's any way to judge} Renae - We have found a way {Stronger, faster, better. We have that technology!} {Yeah, it's paraphrased. Cookies if you get the ref, though.} .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 9:51 PM In the absense of actual content - I present a few quizzs {Okay, Em found 'em first...} Sexy-like Vampire What type of vampire are you? brought to you by Quizilla Jezebel Which bad girl of the Bible are you? brought to you by Quizilla Tomboy What's your sexual appeal? brought to you by Quizilla .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 6:55 PM Tuesday, February 10, 2004 Take one -You love to have a good time and aren't really interested a serious relationship. With his confident, somewhat drunken nature, Captain Jack swept you away. Always on a new adventure, you have a great, fast-paced relationship. And Take Two - A true romantic, you believe in love at first sight and love the occassional heartfelt gesture (roses, home-cooked dinner, etc.) Will Turner is exactly the pirate for you. Adventurous and adoring, he would do anything for you. You two are the cutest couple on the seas! :) Nice hat. Can I have Both? *puppy eyes* .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 2:02 AM Can we say - predictable Tema? ~^ One of the most loved cliches in fanficiton, you are most often paired with Will. You have a history of sleeping with anything that walks on two legs, but now that you've met your perfect guy, you've finally settled down. Sometimes, it seems as if you don't care, but when he's in danger, you'd do anything for him. Awww. :D .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 1:55 AM
Confident and happy-go-lucky, you never really let anything bring you down. You love the occasional (or not so occasional) drink of rum and don't really enjoy long-term relationships. You feel at home by the ocean and, even though it doesn't always seem like it, have a good heart and are relatively loyal to your friends. :) .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 1:48 AM Sunday, February 08, 2004 Your Dream Engagement Ring Has an Oval Diamond!An oval diamond is classic enough to reflect your femininity... While being unique enough to show off that individual style you've cultivated Your creative side will be delighted with the amount of twinkle your diamond showcases And your ring's unique design will go well with all that artistic jewelry you've collected! What's Your Dream Engagement Ring? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 11:05 PM UHM... You Are Barbie With a Dick!You come complete with pink man-panties, athletic cup, and an extra large bottle of lotion. Pocket pussy and penis pump sold separately. Not recommended for children under age 6. What Naughty Barbie Are *You*? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 10:56 PM h2>You Should Honeymoon in the USA! You and your sweetie want a fun filled honeymoon Without the hassle of food poisoning or learning a new language The USA is perfect for you (even if you already live here) You can kick it at a spa, go to an amusment park, or explore a new city Suggested destinations: Disneyworld, Vegas, NYC, Napa Valley, Palm Springs Where Should You Go On Your Honeymoon? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 10:45 PM *sigh* Well, Em asked for an update and I'm getting around to it, I suppose. I'm...tired. Nothing that won't fix itself in a couple days - I just need to be by myself...but I don't want to be alone. I like it when Mom's here with me - we can sit and read and be. Friendly, relaxed. She can be on the computer and I can be in my room, or wandering the apartment or sitting on the couch, reading or watching DVDs. It's good. We're alone, but together. Sometimes just on the peripheral of each other's awareness. I sometimes annoy her, by coming up and kissing the top of her head or saying something to her and distracting her. Or I scare her by not making much noise. I'm usually a quiet person. I sit and read or color or play on the computer or clean or whatever I can do. Sometimes when it's nice, I go to the graveyard a block up and just sit or walk. Or I go Downtown or something. Hit WalMart if I want a lot of people. When people are around, I get loud, sometimes. I can be very obnoxious, rude, crude and occasionally apologetic, if I feel like it. Lately though, I've been getting much quieter. I usually keep the radio on when I'm alone or when Mom's asleep and I'm still awake (and sometimes it's too loud. >< Sorry.) to keep the quiet from being so loud. I keep the sound on the computer on - the error messages when I'm playing games, AIM's sounds, various websites. Hell - the keyboard. I try to keep myself occupied - writing, coming up with scenarios (bunnies - good and bad and just...), reading, acting out - only when I'm alone - some things, dancing to the music, watching a movie. Entertaining myself. I think I like people. Sometimes I can't stand the way they act, what they do. Some people I just don't like. I don't know. Honest. Heh. I'm not even sure what this is supposed to be. Me typing, I guess. Company fell asleep during a B-Movie I rented and is still asleep so I got bored and came online and...started typing. Sorry for...whatever. Having this out for you to read? Thinking? I don't know. I don't have any answers. I don't have the right questions. I just...don't know. Maybe I should stop apologizing? *shrug* .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 4:43 PM |
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