Thursday, October 23, 2003 Okay - got bored somewhat and decided to take the Geek Test for real. I spent some time on it, actually answering the questions truthfully...Thankfully there was no one else around - I'm fairly certain my blush would have been rather noticable in the dark. 74.75345% I'm a Geek God. Sheesh. Though...it's not exactly disappointing. *grin* .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 5:08 PM Monday, October 20, 2003 From the Pennsic.net message boards via Giudo di Niccolo Brunelleschi and Zia Nuray's subscription to the CALONTIR SCA boards -*begin cut & paste* Mattel Releases SCA Barbie and Friends Mattel spokesperson Baroness Plastique Toise announced today the release of the SCA Barbie line of dolls, toys and accessories. The first batch, which was released today, consists of Barbie (Barbara du Mattel), Kenneth de Faux, Chani and Colleen MacNeil, as well as various horses and playsets. Available with blonde hair and blue eyes, SCA Barbie (called Barbara du Mattel), comes dressed in the basic t-tunic, leggings and boots. Clothing packages include Elizabethan, middle period, early period fop, or Scottish. Accessories include pouch, belt, cloak, hat, gloves, wooden chair, candelabra, feast gear, armor, weapons, and horse with saddle and tack. The Barbara doll is modified - she has flat feet, no arch, and cannot wear heels. Pull her string to hear her say... "What time does court begin?" "Long live the Queen!" "I'm sooooo drunk!" and "Stop looking at HER and pay attention to ME!" Kenneth de Faux comes with blonde hair and blue eyes. He comes dressed in the standard t-tunic, leggings, and boots. Clothing packages include Elizabethan, middle period, early period fop, Scottish or Viking. Accessories include pouch, belt, cloak, hat, gloves, wooden chair, candelabra, feast gear, armor, weapons, and horse with saddle and tack. The Kenneth doll is modified - he IS anatomically correct, so when he is in Scottish clothing, Barbie can kilt-check him. Pull his string to hear him say, "What time does the fighting begin?" "Long live the King!" "Here, drink this. It will save your life!" and "Who's that girl over there?" Dark-haired and dark-eyed Chani comes dressed in a basic belly-dancing outfit (with accessories...veils, cap, shoes, coin-metal belts and bras and headpieces, etc.) with options for Mongolian, Chinese, Japanese, Elizabethan, Turkish and other Middle Eastern garb. She has drums, cymbals, pouch, belt, cloak, hat, gloves, wooden chair, candelabra, feast gear, armor, weapons, chirurgeon's kit, and horse with saddle and tack. Pull her string and hear her shriek out Xena's war cry or say "Which way to Schadenfreude's party?" "You drummers come back here! It's not time to quit yet!" "A cloven fruit? For me?" and "Maybe next time, big boy." Red-haired and green-eyed Colleen MacNeil comes dressed in a basic t-tunic, leggings, and boots. Clothing packages include Elizabethan, middle period, early period fop, Scottish, Irish, Welsh or Viking. Accessories include pouch, belt, cloak, hat, gloves, wooden chair, candelabra, feast gear, armor, weapons, waterbearing equipment, and horse with saddle and tack. Pull her string and hear her say "Now, wasn't I just tellin' ye that?" "Slainte!" "Long live the Queen!" and "Water? Oranges? Gatorade? Me?" .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 6:35 PM Now who does this really surprise? You belong in Ravenclaw! Not Your Average Harry Potter House Quiz brought to you by Quizilla .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 6:25 PM |
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