Saturday, March 06, 2004 Today was an alright day. Started off not sleeping, finally managed a nap about 5 or so this morning. Got woke up by a flying puppy about nine-ish - what fun. Pounced and licked and cuddled by Jasmine Belle. Then Daddy cooked breakfast! Yay! Bacon gravy, toast and bacon. ^^V With TVTook a shower and got all decked out in interview clothes and snagged my hose first thing. *sigh* But there weren't any runs or anything, which was v. good. Then Tema went for a job interview in Verona. Yay? Sports bar. Waitressing job, really. It's be interesting. More stories and the like. Then Daddy and I went to return Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road. Good show. ~^ Watch it. Had a impromptu interview with the owner in the parking lot. O.@ It was pretty neat. Then came back to the farm, put on pants, chilled for a bit, got Mom up, headed back for Springpatch. Passed the Boy at the highway. Uh-boy. So...I broke up with him on the side of highway 60 going east. Rode with him to Sprungburg {Against the 'rents' better judgment. I can understand that, but....}. We talked, I explained and I decided to end it as nicely as I could. {That being my main flaw. Being Nice.} Talked some more - Mom and Dad made it back to the apartment before we did. How strange is that? Packed up Boy's DVD player, TV, two VCRs and one DVD. And his father's lighter. It was a mess of crying and snotting and me just aching to be done with it. But it lingered. He left eventually. Retrospect - it wasn't all _that_ long. But...It felt like it. Dad spoke to Now-Ex-Boy, words I assume were exchanged and Daddy went for a little walk to cool off. I was Velcro!Kitten for a little while. We went to a 'spirit fair' thing, wandered, got the cards read, then went to a couple's house. I had some munchies, talked a bit, looked at their backyard {Beautiful, BTW} and ended up crashing on their floor. *snerk* Mom says I had kitties piled all around me. Then I waffled about coming back to the farm, or staying in the 'Burg and decided I wanted some company for another night. *smile* I'll feel better tomorrow. Tied and worn down today. Drained summat. Damn it, where's Hope? She always makes me feel better after shite like this.... Huzzah the newly single? .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 9:40 PM Friday, March 05, 2004 "concise cognizant"con·cise adj. Expressing much in few words; clear and succinct cog·ni·zant adj. Fully informed; conscious. I like that one.... .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 12:18 AM More E-Mail weirdness. Pauline Person dick {Well, that was a surprise waiting in the inbox...} Jamar Clifford Have long lasting erections! {WHY?! Maybe I don't want a lasting erection. They make men look like idiots.} Faustino Thornton incendiary {Thanks Faust...but no.} Daniela Loose weigh+t an_d grow young {21, hello. The weight part...maybe.} TopOffers Find your perfect match! {With you guys? I'd end up with Opus the Penguin} North America Hunting Club Wanted - North American Hunting Club Field Testers {Field testers for a hunting club. Testing the field. "YEAH! THere's a shit load - whoops. NEvermind!"} Bahamas This is the good life. {Does it come with rum?} Tracy Blackburn THE REAL PENILE SOLUTION!! ***NO BS*** {*snicker* "penile" and "BS" near each other. Funny.} Self Promotion Made Easy Practice shameless self-promotion. {Self-Pimping!} Thelma Herron Embarassed about your size? {Yes. My dick is too damned big. Please reduce.} Brady WHOA, that's a bummer {Yeah, but....} Sudsiest E. Elusiveness We want you back, 92603 {And they refer to me as a number?} Try Microdermabrasion You’re only as old as you look. { Groucho Marxs "You're only as old as the woman you feel."} Holliday Lea 90% of women say ENLARGE! (as seen on tv) iptEFZPAzzpb {On TV? HBO infomercials...} Caribbean Resorts Reserve your spot in paradise. {Does it come with Jack?} Day Care Daycare. It's all fun and games. {The author obviously was never in Day Care.} US Immigration Help Become a citizen of the United States. {WTF?! Natural Citizen here.} Donald Ramey What do you have to lose? {My dignity. Or whatever's left...} Jan Best hybrid explosive {Now this one's interesting...} Chauncey Brooks Notice of Default plaid {Default plaid....*snicker* That poor Scotsman.} dorelle Surprise your loved one with a bigger penis {If I woke up with a penis, I'd be the one surprised. Then I'd prolly try to play with it - just to see what the fuss is about.} Superior Debt You are just a click away... {From deleting this.} And how much of your time did I waste today? .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 12:15 AM Thursday, March 04, 2004 It was a quiet summer day after a moderate shower. Quaint. Picturesque. Humid as hell.The backyard was quiet, except for the excited yip of a Datsun dog and the low mooing of grazing cattle beyond the fence. And some birds. And someone's lawn mower down the street. {Hey! Get on with it!} (I'm getting there. Sheesh. Have a little patience. It's called scene-setting, you know?) {*the sound of a knife clearing a sheath*} (...Right.) Calm settled over the yard and stayed. Even the puppy stopped bouncing and laid down. The silence was broken by a command. "FORWARD MY FUZZY MINIONS!" And obediently the hamsters waddled forward, black eyes fastened on the feast of herbs before them. It took a while for them to get to the pots and by that time the woman up to her elbows in potting soil managed to get the mister turned on the waddlers, making them turn the other direction. {...} (Hey - It was based around one line and took me three minutes, okay?) {Still sucked.} (Oh, shut it.) .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 8:26 PM Wednesday, March 03, 2004 .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 8:36 PM Tuesday, March 02, 2004 Your Masturbation Method Should be Using a Vibrator!Who needs a man? Not you! With a vibrator, flying solo can be more fun than being partnered! What's *Your* Masturbation Method? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 1:54 AM
.:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 1:17 AM Since I was asked by Mom for an update. ~^ .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 12:48 AM
The Aphrodisiac You Should Try Is: HoneyHoney is an ancient aphrodisiac... seen in the Kama Sutra and used by Cleopatra And honey is even the inspiration for the term honeymoon - where newlyweds drank honey wine Honey can be found as a the first Viagra in practically every civilazation! Sweet smelling and smooth, honey is perfect for spreading around naked bodies What you do with it after that is up to you! It's often said that the sugar and B vitamins from honey gives you energy to keep going all night... Try mixing your honey with a little nutmeg, a potion designed to heighten orgasm. Or mix it with ginger like the ancient Indians did for sexual potency And if you're looking for a kissable bod, try getting some honey lotion or powder What Aphrodisiac Should You Try? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 12:34 AM
Your Tongue's Talent is Giving Head!Your thick, wide tongue is the perfect size and shape for giving him pleasure. Not to mention, you know just how to work all the curves. You'll do just about anything to make others happy, and when you're uncomfortable, you don't like to say so. So that probably means your mouth is starting to get worn out. Slow down, and learn how to speak your mind! You'd be most compatible with a Nipple Sucker. They're sure to give you the attention you so desperately need. You've been giving everything for so long that you forgot what's it's like to be pleasured. It's time for you to lay back and get licked. What's Your Tongue's Talent? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 12:19 AM Monday, March 01, 2004 The Oral Sex Tip You Should Try Is: Hot and ColdGet together some ice and hot water. Have them both ready by your bed. By using the ice and hot water, surprise your sweetie with hot and cold sensations. To make things extra surprising, use a blindfold on your partner. You can even spice things up with special warming oral lubes - and flavored ice cubes. This mix of hot and cold is guaranteed to drive anyone wild! What Oral Tip Should You Try? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 10:32 PM |
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