Saturday, January 01, 2005 http://hacks.mit.edu/Hacks/by_year/1997/geeks_crossing/I need a picture editor...I could use that *snicker* .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 1:57 AM Thursday, December 30, 2004 Well. Finally stopped drooling and ordered IT. Pretty...*petpet* Mm....:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 11:48 PM It's currently 7:50 pm on Thursday, _December_ 30th. I was just outside in my bare feet... and I'm not currently regretting it. o/~ Badadada da...I'm Lovin' It... o/~ .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 7:50 PM Tuesday, December 28, 2004
.:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 1:13 AM Monday, December 27, 2004 Writ of Sexual Non-Responsibility {In Case of Total Incapacity} I ______________________ being of sound mind, albeit perverted and morally bankrupt, do hereby register this writ of Sexual Non-responsibility to be executed upon the discovery of my comatose body according to the stipulations detailed below. In the course of an evening of abject and Bacchanalian delights, If I should become incapacitated or aggressively vegetative through the use of various alcoholic or controlled substances and if I should be discovered insuch a catatonic stupor lying in a hallway, lobby,. gutter, alleyway, park, supermarket or any place public of private, I hereby offer myself as a love toy to any member of (the) ____________ sex [same, opposite, either] who might stumble upon me. I further request that no extraordinary means be used to revive me in order to get my permission for said lascivious purposes, just TAKE ME! TAKE ME NOW! TAKE ME HARD! Furthermore, you Mac use me [i.e. lick, stroke, rub, fondle, tease, knead, nuzzle, suck, ride, torment, nibble, etc. Ad infinitum] as you deem appropriate, with no limit to depravity barring the following restrictions: take the proper precautions to prevent the sharing of sexually transmitted diseases or the conception of children ad avoid any practices which involve excessive loss of blood, the puncturing of human flesh, the use of high voltage, or the viewing of Gilligan's Island reruns. In conclusion, when you have finished using my body well, please leave my clothes and ID where I can find them. Also please leave me with review copies of Polaroids, videos, artist's sketches or signed confessions taken during our moments of splendor [publication contingent upon my approval]. Excepting the failure to follow the aforementioned conditions, no parties shall be held liable for any sexual performance or lack thereof, remembered or forgotten, etc. as expressed or intimated in the above guidelines. Please, therefore, enjoy yourself as much as is possible and share the gory details with me at some later date. Signed ________________________
Anno Domini ___________________ Witnessed _____________________ Notarized _____________________ .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 6:05 PM Right! This time of year makes me feel greedy all over. Time to show off! - Two squirrels; one concrete and one stuffed. Quite comfy to snuggle with. - DVD player. ^^V and two dvds. - New Faire boots! _Boots_~ Not sandals. I have cold weather wear now! - Copy of Good Omens ^^ - Raven Amulet. - various makeup and shower soaps. - little {and not so little} figurines. - new cd case - More jewerly - pentagram necklace and a handmade bracelet. - An Eye of Buddah. {also known as the eye of Aggamoto .} - A mini bunny from Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail... - New Fox! - Socks with the Cheshire cat {Disney version} - Kitty figure with two skulls. {I like it better than the horses...} Bunch'a misc that I can't think of right now. ^^V LOOT! Yay! .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 5:34 PM |
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