Friday, November 28, 2003 Trees....Plastic is okay, but flamingo decorated...No.Well, at least he wasn't told top go away... Instead of Catsup? May I say that we're going a bit TOO FAR?! "Pull to the right! Now, stay there, let me park and I'll be right there..." Croesgoch? SWEET! AH-HAHAHAHA! .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 4:08 PM Holy. Shit. The Travel Channel rocks ^^V .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 1:21 PM Thursday, November 27, 2003 LembasHas anyone else noticed the apparent similarities between Lembas and Hostess Twinkies? Please consider the following: 1) Both are lightly-baked cakes with creme filling. 2) Both are hermetically-sealed in some type of wrapper (mallorn leaf for lembas and malleable plastic leaf for Twinkies). 3) Both will remain fresh if their wrapping remains unbroken (in fact, Twinkies are reputed to have a shelf-life of several million years either in or out of their wrapping). Are lembas an early prototype for the modern-day Twinkies? Any and all comments are welcome. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 10:21 PM In honor of my viewing both the extended Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring and LotR: The Two Towers - From The Tolkien Crackpot Theories Page Ten Rejected Lord Of The Rings Plot Twists {Er. Semi-Spoilers from book/movie Three... If you don't understand them now...READ THE FRIKKIN BOOKS! Lazy arses. } 1. Balin emerges from the depths of Moria, claiming he "fell asleep in the tub". 2. Galadriel discovers Pippin singing the praises of a bath while he takes one in her mirror. 3. Boromir uses the ring, saves Gondor, destroys Sauron and becomes a wise and benevolent ruler. Book ends 40 chapters sooner. 4. Orc-slaughter competition between Legolas and Gimli becomes so fierce, they take to killing some of the smaller, uglier men of Gondor. 5. Farmer Giles of Ham shows up at the Pelennor Fields and saves Gandalf's life. 6. Pippin hits on Eowyn in a dark corner of the Houses of Healing: "The hands of a Hobbit are the hands of a healer too, you know..." 7. In the happy days after the defeat of Sauron, Gimli keeps his promise and visits Mirkwood with Legolas -- where they are eaten by giant spiders, whom everyone had forgotten about. 8. Aragorn discovers that he is not, in fact, Elendil's heir. His older brother Mutt, after having lived with Ghan-Buri-Ghan & Co. for decades, lays claim to the throne after all the "dirty work" is done. 9. Ents and Elves dispute over title of "first-born". Elrond has Quickbeam made into an armoire; Treebeard grinds Glorfindel into mulch. 10. The Shire, mobilized by Merry and Pippin and now hungry for vengeance, annexes Bree and slaughters "the big folk". Special bonus plot twist: 11. Gollum adapts to molten Mt. Doom environment, and later plays a critical role in Fourth Age crisis. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 10:19 PM Tuesday, November 25, 2003 From Mom and Dad -"You call it fluffy - I call it subterfuge." Which is now scrawled on my arm. ^^;; .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 9:16 PM November 25th - St. Catherine of Alexandria’s Day The ninth century spiritual ‘bride of Christ’, tortured and executed for her faith by being broken on a wheel (the ‘Catherine Wheel’), then beheaded, when milk rather than blood flowed from her severed head. Patron saint of young girls, students and philosophers. Anniversary of the Great Flood - The cataclysmic deluge began on this day in 2,348 B.C. Day sacred to Proserpina (Roman) - Festival to the seed goddess. Celtic Tree Month of Elder (Ruis) begins. .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 4:58 PM But on a happier note - I hope - Happy Birthday Kay! .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 4:38 PM Whee. That's a bout it, really. Bleah. Why are people do damned stupid? It's been a year - rounding up - since Mom and Becca and M_ had something of a fight and for some reason their friendship broke too - I know why on Mom's part, M_ kept kicking her out and basically ignoring her. I went over a few times after the split then decided I was tired of both sides trying to drag information out of me about the other. So I just stopped going over. Before this I was friends with S___ - he was a fairly nice guy, if a bit strange. I liked him - weird as he was. He was also sorta permastoned, but *shrug* Any way - he'd IM me and we'd chat for a bit and sometimes he'd invite me over. Sometimes I'd go and sometimes I'd stay. A couple times he mentioned some heavy stuff that I didn't - and still don't - want to get caught up in, so I declined. One day I told Mom one of the reasons, and then I 'was encouraged' to tell everyone at the meetup the next week. I only said it once. Later there were rumors floating around that I'd been at someone's house - I don't even know this person, mind - getting wasted and shit like that. I hadn't. Hells, I hadn't even seen the people rumored to have been there for weeks and weeks! *sigh* A couple months later at another meetup I had the opportunity to talk with S___. He Said that M_ Said that I'd printed out our IMs and was flashing them around and that they contained him talking about everything from pot to crystal meth. So he said, to get me back he started the rumor about my being a druggy. PEOPLE ARE SO DAMNED STUPID! And now... it seems that M__ is trying to start up again. But _why_? We haven't had any contact with her! She avoids us and we avoid her it seems. *sigh* I just don't get it. And why am I caught up in all of this? I've not said anything against anyone except for this. Meh. Fuck it, Fuck them and Leave me the fuck out of it! .:.Uniquely maladjusted... But fun.:. 4:37 PM |
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